Welcome to Outer Heaven Support


Is a game you already bought and downloaded not working properly


Are you having trouble making a purchase?


Are you having issues with accessing your account or the store itself?


Did something go wrong when downloading or installing your game?


Is the OUTER HEAVEN CLOUD app or any of its features not working properly?


Here you can read our policies, or learn more about our service.


General troubleshooting

Graphical problems on tablets

1) Such issue occurs when the native screen resolution is in vertical aspect ratio (portrait mode), with height resolution parameter being much bigger then width parameter. This is a problem for older games, which does not support screen rotate function.

2) Depending on the game the the solutions will be different. The easiest way would be to try to run the game in windowed mode. If the game starts with options launcher, you might be able to enable windowed mode there. If not, sometimes simple key combination Left Alt + Enter will switch the game's resolution to windowed mode.

Crashing in general

1) Please make sure that you use "Run as Administrator" to install and to start the game (right-click on the shortcut or setup file and select "Run as Administrator").

2) Please reinstall the game AND add it to your antivirus/firewall software exception/trusted list. Simply disabling firewall or AV software could not be enough, since some of these software are running still in background or in services list. We recommend reinstalling the game outside Program Files or Program Files(x86) folder.


General troubleshooting

How do I buy a gift?

To buy a gift, proceed to the payment screen, but before clicking "Pay for your order now" in Checkout, make sure to select the "Gift this order" checkbox, just under the payment options. You will also have to enter the gift recipient's email address. Once that is done, proceed with the rest of the purchase normally.

How do I refund a game?

1) You may request a refund for a product up to 30 days after purchase, even if it was downloaded, launched, and played. To apply for a refund, you should contact our Customer Support Team within 30 days of your purchase, and our team will sort it out as soon as possible.

2) Please keep in mind that we're actively monitoring the effects of our new Refund Policy to make sure no one is using it to hurt the developers that put their time and heart into making great games. We may refuse refunds in such individual cases.


Account-related issues

I can't log in. What do I do?

1) First of all, make sure that your login and password are correct. If you get the "User not found" error when trying to log in, check your other email addresses and aliases, in case you used a different one. You can also look for the Outer Heaven account creation confirmation email in your mailboxes, and check what exact address it was sent to. If none of the email addresses work, please contact our Support team.

2) If you seem to be using the correct login credentials, but still cannot log in, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. wipe your browser's cache and cookies and reload the page,
  2. try a different browser (ideally a freshly installed one, with no addons/plugins),
  3. add to your firewall/antivirus software's whitelist

How can I delete my account?

1) If you're sure that you wish to delete your account, contact our Support team. After verifying that you are the account's owner, they will initiate the deletion procedure.

2) Please keep in mind that account deletion is irreversible. Additionally, after an account has been deleted, it's not possible to restore its contents (purchases and/or redeemed codes) on a newly created account, and you will not receive refunds for any purchases made on your account when it is deleted.


Download-related issues

I'm unable to download my game - what can I do?

As a general rule, if one download method doesn't work for you, try a different one. We offer two download methods here at Outer Heaven - these are:

  1. Outer Heaven Cloud - our optional application which offers easy installation of games, automatic updates, as well as downloading standalone installers with full protection against download corruption.
  2. Browser downloads - the oldschool option, which lets you just download standalone installers onto your computer, and install them anywhere, at any time.
"Error 403" when downloading with a browser

1) This error occurs due to an IP mismatch in your browser (this happens in unusually-configured networks, if the IP assigned when starting a download is different from the IP assigned when connecting to the website itself).

2) In such situations, we strongly suggest using Outer Heaven Cloud in order to install the game, or to just download the standalone installer files. The added benefit will be protection against download corruption, offered by Outer Heaven Cloud.


General information

What data does Outer Heaven store?

We’re storing only the data that is required to provide you with the Outer Heaven Cloud features - list of games you own on each platform, game time, and achievements, friends list and their status, chat and conversation history. All the data we store on our servers is fully encrypted. We’re not storing any authentication data from platforms you connect to in Outer Heaven Cloud. Once you disconnect a platform, all your imported data will be removed from our servers.

What kind of stats and activities will Outer Heaven Cloud show me?

You’ll see all your games from connected platforms together with your progress in each title – the achievements you’ve earned and your game time.

Also, for your Outer Heaven friends, you’ll be able to see their online status and what games they are playing, with their achievements and time spent in each title.



Information we collect

When you register an Outer Heaven account with us, you will need to provide us:

  1. your username
  2. your email address
  3. a password (which is encrypted so that we don’t have access to it)

This information is necessary for us to provide you with a Outer Heaven account requested by you. In your Outer Heaven account settings you can also set your date of birth, avatar, and your geographical location. This information will be protected by your Outer Heaven account password. You are responsible for keeping it safe - please don't share it with anyone.

Rules & Guidelines for Reviews

1) Do I need to have purchased a game in order to write a review of it?

No, it is not required. This allows you to write a review about a game you may have played on a different platform. However, please keep in mind that if you do not have the game in your Outer Heaven library, your review will not have the 'Verified owner' tag.

Can I write a negative review?

2) Yes. If you are unsatisfied with the game (e.g. the gameplay, graphics, in-game mechanics and features) you are free to write a review and share your opinion with other Outer Heaven users as to why you do not recommend it.

Didn't find the help you needed?

Send a message below and a member of our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.